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Torrens Brass

New Secretary News
April 10, 2017

New Secretary

After being President and/or Secretary and/or Property Officer for what to him seems like decades, Brenton Brockhouse has retired as secretary of the Campbelltown City Band effective from 12th April 2017. Kelly Perrie has volunteered to take over this role, a role she has been…
Moving Rehearsal News
March 14, 2017

Moving Rehearsal

CCB hasn't yet moved but we are jumping the gun by advertising our first ever "Moving Sale", oops sorry, "Moving Concert/Event". All friends, past present and future players, are invited to an "Open Rehearsal" where anyone can sit with us and take part in our…
We’re moving! News
March 13, 2017

We’re moving!

Campbelltown City Council is relocating the band to their Function Centre on Friday 24th March 2017 so that our existing band room - and the whole Memorial Oval complex - can be demolished as part of a whole site redevelopment. Our new rehearsal address will…
Mike Ward leaves News
January 5, 2017

Mike Ward leaves

Campbelltown City Band was saddened to hear that Mike Ward has resigned as MD effective from February 2017. We will miss Mike as he has put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the band, particularly preparing us for the recent SABA Band Championships.…