“Lest we Forget”
As is our tradition, we played for the Remembrance Day ceremony held by the Payneham RSL sub-branch. We are always honoured to be involved in this ceremony at the lovely Memorial Gardens & Cross of Sacrifice in Felixstow.
Normally most of our band members take mornings off, or a break from work in order to attend however this year the day fell on a Saturday.
This year the band played hymns during the laying of the wreaths – a very sombre and respectful tradition that was well received.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, attendees were invited back to the RSL hall for their traditional Remembrance Day BBQ – a delightful and relaxing end to the morning.
Meanwhile, our President Ian Barton was off on holidays and had heard that Port Vincent had a prerecorded bugle call for their ceremony. Without a moment’s hesitation he offered his services to play the call himself – well done Ian. As you can see and hear below, this was very well done and reflected superbly on the band.